Most Recent Updates

Name Updated Description
land.copernicus.theme Nov-25-2021 Plone theme for
land.copernicus.content Nov-25-2021 Custom Content-Types for Land Copernicus
eea.usersdb Nov-22-2021 EEA Users DB
eea.relations Nov-19-2021 EEA Possible Relations. This package provides a flexible way to manage relations in a Plone site. it provides a new reference browser widget and a central management interface for relations, their labels and requirements.
sparql-client Nov-19-2021 Python API to query a SPARQL endpoint
naaya.ldapdump Nov-18-2021 UNKNOWN
eea.dexterity.themes Nov-17-2021 Environment Topics and subtopics
eea.api.taxonomy Nov-11-2021 Taxonomy RestAPI endpoint
eea.schema.slate Nov-11-2021 Slate JSON Field/Widget for Dexterity
eea.api.layout Nov-11-2021 RestAPI @layout endpoint
eea.zotero Nov-11-2021 Plone RestAPI endpoint for Zotero
eea.testegg Oct-18-2021
eea.alchemy Sep-28-2021 EEA Alchemy allows you to bulk auto-discover geographical coverage, temporal coverage, keywords and more
eea.googlecharts Aug-30-2021 Configurator for GoogleCharts
eea.pdf Jul-14-2021 Download as PDF
eea.api.coremetadata Jul-13-2021 An add-on for Plone to expose EEA core metadata as REST API endpoint
eea.versions Jun-17-2021 EEA versions
eea.signals Jun-17-2021
eea.depiction Jun-17-2021 EEA Depiction (formerly valentine.imagescales)
eea.frame Jun-17-2021 Django integration middleware for EEA Zope websites
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