Most Recent Updates

Name Updated Description
edw.userhistory Jun-23-2016 User login history
surf.rdflib May-04-2016 surf.rdflib
Products.PloneGazette Apr-26-2016 An easy to use Newsletter Service for Plone
Products.OrderableReferenceField Apr-18-2016 This product provides an Archetype field that's very similiar to the Archetypes Reference field, with the addition that it stores the order of referenced objects
plone.recipe.pound Apr-15-2016 Recipe to install and configure Pound
esdrt.content Mar-23-2016 Content-types for ESD Review Tool
collective.linkcheck Mar-03-2016 Add-on for Plone that provides link validity checking and reporting.
pylibmc Feb-26-2016 Quick and small memcached client for Python
esdrt.theme Feb-03-2016 Installable theme: esdrt.theme
pydot Dec-29-2015 Python interface to Graphviz's Dot
Zope2 Dec-23-2015 Zope2 application server / web framework
Products.LDAPUserFolder Sep-25-2015 A LDAP-enabled Zope 2 user folder
Products.PloneHelpCenter Jun-29-2015 A simple help-desk style documentation product for Plone.
Products.ZMIntrospection May-22-2015 Append an Introspection tab to an object's management tabs. May-18-2015 A package for all things users and groups related (specific to plone)
collective.traceview May-05-2015 This package adds support for TraceView performance instrumentation in Plone
plone.recipe.zope2instance Apr-20-2015 Buildout recipe for creating a Zope 2 instance
threadframe Mar-17-2015 Advanced thread debugging extension
ldaplog Mar-10-2015 LDAP event monitor
collective.recipe.template Jan-30-2015 Buildout recipe to generate a text file from a template
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