Most Recent Updates

Name Updated Description May-20-2024 EEA Website Plone backend policy
eea.kitkat May-09-2024 An add-on for Plone
eea.api.glossary Apr-16-2024 An API for the volto-eea-slate-glossary addon
eea.geolocation Mar-25-2024 Geonames settings EEA country groups/regions vocabularies
eea.api.controlpanel Mar-18-2024 Controlpanel RestAPI additional endpoints to be used with Volto @eeacms/volto-controlpanel
pas.plugins.ldap Oct-18-2023 LDAP/AD Plugin for Plone/Zope PluggableAuthService (users+groups)
collective.loremipsum Sep-22-2023 Creates dummy content with populated Lorem Ipsum.
energy.content Aug-31-2023 EnergyUnion extensions for Plone
eea.stringinterp Aug-31-2023 Extended plone.stringinterp functionality
collective.js.fullcalendar Aug-31-2023 Plone package for integrating fullcalendar JS
yafowil.plone Aug-25-2023 Plone Integration with YAFOWIL Aug-18-2023 Visualization API
plone.restapi Aug-14-2023 plone.restapi is a RESTful hypermedia API for Plone.
collective.exportimport Jul-31-2023 An add-on for Plone to Export and import content, members, relations, translations and localroles.
Products.CMFEditions Jul-31-2023 Versioning for Plone
eea.graylogger Jun-12-2023 GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) for Zope
eea.progress.editing Jun-01-2023 Editing progress RestAPI
eea.sentry May-24-2023 Zope/Plone Sentry integration
eea.fise.policy May-15-2023 EEA Fise Plone backend policy
forests.content May-12-2023 FORESTS Content
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