Search Results

Name Updated Description
pylibmc Feb-26-2016 Quick and small memcached client for Python
python-dateutil Jul-17-2013 Extensions to the standard python 2.3+ datetime module
reportek.converters Mar-24-2021 Reportek converters
setuptools Jul-17-2014 Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
slc.publications Nov-19-2012 A content type to store pdf publications
Solgema.PortletsManager Sep-08-2020 Solgema Portlets Manager
sparql-client Nov-19-2021 Python API to query a SPARQL endpoint
SuRF Aug-10-2020 SuRF
surf.rdflib May-04-2016 surf.rdflib
teamrubber.theoracle Oct-03-2013 Plone debug/development helper
threadframe Mar-17-2015 Advanced thread debugging extension
tlspu.cookiepolicy Apr-16-2019 A Plone add-on providing a simple solution to comply with the so called "European Cookie Law".
valentine.gtranslate Nov-19-2012 Translates text using Google Translate
valentine.imagescales Nov-19-2012 UNKNOWN
valentine.linguaflow Aug-16-2017 Valentine Linguaflow
valentine.plonedev Nov-19-2012 Getting a production Data.fs ready for development
validate-email Feb-14-2020 validate_email verifies if an email address is valid and really exists.
wildcard.fixpersistentutilities Feb-14-2020 a package that can help you remove local persistent utilies
yafowil.plone Aug-25-2023 Plone Integration with YAFOWIL
z3c.formwidget.optgroup Feb-14-2020 An optgroup widget for z3c.form.
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