Search Results

Name Updated Description
eea.schema.slate Nov-11-2021 Slate JSON Field/Widget for Dexterity
eea.sentry May-24-2023 Zope/Plone Sentry integration
eea.signals Jun-17-2021
eea.similarity Jan-29-2019 A package that suggests similar titles to one being added
eea.sitestructurediff Jan-29-2019 jsTree to create multilingual structure diff
eea.socialmedia Jun-18-2018 EEA Social Media
eea.soer Jun-23-2020 EEA Soer
eea.soercontent Oct-09-2020 SOER 2015 related content-types
eea.sparql Mar-03-2020 Wrapper for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
eea.stringinterp Aug-31-2023 Extended plone.stringinterp functionality
eea.tags Jan-29-2019 EEA Tags
eea.testcase Nov-19-2012 eea reusable testcases and layers
eea.testegg Oct-18-2021
eea.themecentre Jan-16-2023 EEA Theme centre
eea.tinymce Nov-24-2020 EEA TinyMCE
eea.translations Feb-19-2020 Translations for EEA website. Most translations come from old website. We also have translated logos here.
eea.uberlisting Jan-29-2019 Plone product for ajax display of available templates for the given content type
eea.usersdb Nov-22-2021 EEA Users DB
eea.userseditor Apr-09-2021 EEA Users Editor
eea.versions Jun-17-2021 EEA versions
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