Plone opengraph integration
This package is a part of the Plone's collective.fg bundle. It adds the opengraph metadata to your HTML head section.
One of the goals of this package is to allow developers extend the default metadata definition. It's availabe through the IOpengrapMetatags adapter:
from collective.opengraph.interfaces IOpengraphMetatags from collective.opengraph.viewlets import ATMetatags class MyATMetatags(ATMetatags): implements(IOpengrapMetatags) @property def metatags(self): tags = super(MyATMetatags, self).metatags tags.update({'og:newtype': 'custom value'}) return tags
You can also customize existing og values:
from collective.opengraph.interfaces IOpengraphMetatags from collective.opengraph.viewlets import ATMetatags class AnotherMetatags(ATMetatags): implements(IOpengrapMetatags) @property def title(self): return '%s - Lorem ipsum' % self.context.Title()
Once your class is declared (let's say in a file), add the following adapter tag within your overrides.zcml file:
<adapter for="Products.ATContentTypes.interface.interfaces.IATContentType" factory=".viewlets.MyATMetatags" provides="collective.opengraph.interfaces.IOpengraphMetatags" />
- refactored and release during PloneConf2012 sprint [amleczko]