Search Results

Name Updated Description
collective.easyform Apr-13-2018 Forms for Plone
collective.exportimport Jul-31-2023 An add-on for Plone to Export and import content, members, relations, translations and localroles.
collective.recipe.template Jan-30-2015 Buildout recipe to generate a text file from a template
collective.taxonomy Mar-24-2022 Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone! Aug-18-2023 Visualization API
eea.daviz Feb-28-2020 EEA DaViz is a plone product which uses Exhibit and Google Charts API to easily create data visualizations based on data from csv/tsv, JSON, SPARQL endpoints and more. Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.eggmonkey Nov-15-2017 Automate releasing eggs with jarn.mkrelease
eea.facetednavigation Sep-13-2022 EEA Faceted Navigation
eea.forms Jun-19-2020 EEA forms - Custom AT widgets and fields
eea.googlecharts Aug-30-2021 Configurator for GoogleCharts
eea.indicators Jun-14-2021 EEA Indicators
eea.jquery Oct-28-2022 jQuery library and plugins for Plone
eea.sparql Mar-03-2020 Wrapper for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
eea.workflow Oct-05-2020 EEA Workflow extensions Nov-19-2012 ZODB 3.8 blob support for Plone 3.x Jan-20-2020 Crops Images in Plone manually using cropper JS library Jan-04-2019 better plone widgets
plone.formwidget.geolocation Jan-16-2017 Geolocation field and widget
Products.Archetypes Feb-20-2014 Archetypes is a developers framework for rapidly developing and deploying rich, full featured content types within the context of Zope/CMF and Plone.
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