Search Results

Name Updated Description
bda.feed Dec-07-2012 Plone generic feed support and feeds for collections.
bise.theme Jan-22-2020 Installable theme: bise.theme
collective.googleanalytics Dec-13-2013 Tools for pulling statistics from Google Analytics.
collective.linkcheck Mar-03-2016 Add-on for Plone that provides link validity checking and reporting.
colorama Nov-19-2012 Cross-platform colored terminal text.
cornerstone.feed.core Nov-19-2012 Basic feed/syndication features.
cornerstone.feed.zope Nov-19-2012 feed/syndication features for zope
eea.dataservice May-13-2022 EEA Data service Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.facetednavigation Sep-13-2022 EEA Faceted Navigation Jan-29-2019 This package contains useful tools for talking with Google Analytics
eea.soer Jun-23-2020 EEA Soer
eea.themecentre Jan-16-2023 EEA Theme centre
p4a.plonevideo Aug-08-2013 Plone4Artists video add-on for Plone
p4a.plonevideoembed Aug-07-2013 Plone4Artists video embedding add-on for Plone Nov-19-2012 Plone4Artists video abstraction library Nov-19-2012 ZODB 3.8 blob support for Plone 3.x Apr-18-2014 Enhanced discussion support for Plone Aug-22-2013 Layout mechanisms for Plone Jan-04-2019 better plone widgets
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