Search Results

Name Updated Description
bda.feed Dec-07-2012 Plone generic feed support and feeds for collections.
collective.excelexport Mar-21-2019 Export dexterity contents in an excel file, one column by field
eea.dataservice May-13-2022 EEA Data service
eea.daviz Feb-28-2020 EEA DaViz is a plone product which uses Exhibit and Google Charts API to easily create data visualizations based on data from csv/tsv, JSON, SPARQL endpoints and more.
eea.depiction Jun-17-2021 EEA Depiction (formerly valentine.imagescales) Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.dexterity.rdfmarshaller Sep-16-2020 Dexterity RDF marshaller for Plone
eea.dexterity.sparql Aug-03-2020 Wrapper for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
eea.elasticsearch Apr-24-2017 EEA ElasticSearch
eea.exhibit Sep-10-2018 EEA Exhibit provides Simile Widgets Exhibit JS libraries as Zope 3 resources.
eea.geotags Nov-29-2022 EEA Geotags package redefines the location field in Plone. Right now in Plone location field is a free text field. EEA Geotags lets you easy define locations using a map picker and geographical database.
eea.indicators Jun-14-2021 EEA Indicators
eea.pagedesign Jan-29-2019 UNKNOWN
eea.progressbar Mar-11-2022 Progress bar based on current document review_state
eea.promotion Dec-04-2019 EEA Promotion
eea.rdfmarshaller Mar-10-2021 RDF marshaller for Plone
eea.rdfrepository Nov-19-2012 RDF Repository
eea.reports Apr-16-2021 EEA Reports
eea.soer Jun-23-2020 EEA Soer
eea.sparql Mar-03-2020 Wrapper for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
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