Utility to debug Zope Page Templates
Script that runs the Zope Page Templates parser and outputs errors.
Because zptlint depends on zope.pagetemplate, it depends on a lot of other zope eggs.
To avoid polluting you system python, you can install zptlint in a virtualenv:
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages zptlint $ cd zptlint/ $ bin/easy_install zptlint
Then make a link to the right script:
$ ln -s MYPATH/zptlint/bin/zptlint
"page templates configuration autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pt,*.cpt,*.zpt setfiletype zpt
zptlint integrates with Syntastic so if you use that, the following is already handled.
If not, you may continue:
autocmd FileType zpt set makeprg=zptlint\ % autocmd FileType zpt set errorformat=%+P***\ Error\ in:\ %f,%Z%*\\s\\,\ at\ line\ %l\\,\ column\ %c,%E%*\\s%m,%-Q augroup filetype au BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.pt make au BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.cpt make au BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.zpt make augroup END
Because zpt is defined as a new file type, you may want to copy syntax/html.vim to syntax/zpt.vim and ftplugin/html.vim to ftplugin/zpt.vim.
or usage from command-line in vim:
set makeprg=zptlint\ % set errorformat=%+P***\ Error\ in:\ %f,%Z%*\\s\\,\ at\ line\ %l\\,\ column\ %c,%E%*\\s%m,%-Q
- code by Balazs Ree, Greenfinity
- eggified by Godefroid Chapelle, BubbleNet