Bug fix: Remove tests dependency on pycurl and fix dependency on
[petchesi-iulian refs #88509]
1.2 - (2017-07-18)
Change: Added sparql export method formats (xml, xmlschema, json) to be stored
and retrieved from cache
[zoltan_andras refs #86464]
1.1 - (2017-04-24)
Change: updated package information
1.0 - (2014-10-01)
document_src protected with view permission
0.9 - (2014-08-22)
return processed document source
0.9 - (2014-08-22)
History tab added
Documentation updated: comments inside SPARQL queries are not supported
0.8 - (2014-05-13)
Change: updated imported modules to get rid of DeprecationWarning
[ghicaale refs #19289]
0.7 - (2013-05-20)
Change: Updated to work with changed sparql-client
[szabozo0 refs #14349]
Bug fix: Updated run_with_timeout to not use threading as timeout but pass the timeout value to the sparql-client
[szabozo0 refs #14349]
0.6 - (2012-11-22)
Bug fix: Fixed tests for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
[szabozo0 refs #5539]
Bug fix: on returned HTTPError from endpoint, display the proper error
instead of SaxParserError.
Note: this doesn't work right now with the EEA Content Registry, it needs
to work with a third party endpoint.
[tiberich refs #5515]
0.5 - (2012-08-03)
Made more changes to package metadata to comply to EEA release procedures.
Added required url and cleaned up old version info logic.
Added missing version.txt file required by Zope used by eea.eggmonkey.
Made history.txt conforming to eea.eggmonkey required syntax.
Bug fix: in r28259 Fixed the setup.py which referenced to deleted CHANGES.rst
which broke the package installation.
0.4.1 - (2012-01-05)
Fix package metadata
0.4 - (2011-10-24)
Look for ZSPARQLMETHOD_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT when creating a method
Remove the map_and_execute method because __call__ is enough
__call__ returns a MethodResult object
[moregale #4516]