This needs to be set up on a server Zope can connect to.
You provide the IP address in the MemcachedManager settings screen.
1.1 - Unreleased
- Support pylibmc 1.2.0 and up, by not setting the removed cache_lookup
- Avoid deprecation warnings for DTMLFile and md5 where possible.
- Remove deprecation warning on from Globals import InitializeClass
1.1b2 - 2010-10-19
- Use aq_get instead of getattr for getting acquired REQUEST.
Thanks to Vincent Fretin for pointing it out.
1.1b1 - 2010-10-10
- Fixed a bug with an assumption that object always has REQUEST available.
- Enable pylibmc compression
- Improve pylibmc support by handling MemcachedError.
1.0rc2 - March 25, 2009
- Remove cmemcache support
Add pylibmc support
Optimized cache lookup code
1.0rc1 - Janunary 13, 2009
- Get rid of the entry list. For invalidation we bump
a counter instead.
- Use pickle protocol 2.
1.0b2 - August 25, 2008
- Mirror invalidation support
1.0b1 - June 5, 2008
- Repackage MemcachedManager as an egg.
- Remove old style test setup and update it to current conventions.