EEA Media Centre
Media Centre offers an API to search for media content on the website. The actual content is looked up by plugins. A plugin should register itself as a utility that provides IMediaCentrePlugin. Then media centre will find it and can ask it what media content it provides.
In order to get media centre working there are a few things that has to be done.
Copy site.zcml from Five/skel to your own etc folder.
Create a package-includes directory in etc.
Put the slugs you want in package-includes and the packages will get loaded automatically
zopectl test (at least in 2.9.x of Zope) only checks what's in lib/python and does not handle eggs. To test media centre:
./bin/zopectl test --test-path lib/python/eea.mediacentre/src -m testMediaCentre
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.
The EEA Media Centre (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More details under docs/License.txt
- Change: removed Media Type from displaying on multimedia templates [ichimdav #5480]
- Bug fix: display also CloudVideo's on the multimedia page of themes [ichimdav #5480]