EEA Faceted Inheritance
An extension to be used within eea.facetednavigation in order to allow objects
to inherit faceted configuration from another faceted navigable object. This way
one can define a global faceted navigable folder and reuse this configuration
for multiple heritors.
Add eea.faceted.inheritance to your eggs section in your buildout and
re-run buildout:
eggs +=
You can download a sample buildout from:
Or via docker:
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e ADDONS="eea.faceted.inheritance" plone
Install EEA Faceted Inheritance within Site Setup > Add-ons
Getting started
- Go to your working space and add a Folder and within Actions menu
click on Enable Faceted Inheritance.
- See more on EEA Faceted Navigation
Source code
Latest source code in EEA GitHub:
Copyright and license
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA).
All Rights Reserved.
The EEA Faceted Inheritance (the Original Code) is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- Contributor(s): Alin Voinea (Eau de Web),
- Antonio De Marinis (European Environment Agency),
More details under docs/License.txt
EEA - European Enviroment Agency (EU)
6.2 - (2020-02-18)
- Change: Give name to Dexterity behavior: eea.faceted.inheritance
6.1 - (2019-12-13)
- Feature: Python3 support
[alecghica, iulianpetchesi, avoinea refs #110155]
6.0 - (2019-03-16)
- Feature: Plone 5 support
- Change: Disabling faceted advanced settings by default.
5.5 - (2019-01-28)
- Jenkins: Add sonarqube step
[avoinea refs #101552]
- Change: updated URLs pointing to with https://
[alecghica refs #95849]
5.4 - (2018-03-14)
- Change: reference js code within jQuery dom ready
[ichim-david refs #91577]
5.3 - (2017-12-12)
- Change: Replace eeacms/zptlint with eeacms/plone-test:4 zptlint
[avoinea refs #90415]
- Feature: Make it work with eea.facetednavigation 10.0+
[avoinea refs #89955]
5.2 - (2017-11-07)
- Change: Remove Sphinx generated documentation
[petchesi-iulian refs #88212]
5.1 - (2017-04-24)
- Change: updated package information
5.0 - (2016-05-19)
- Bug fix: Fix pylint warnings
[ichim-david refs #71940]
4.9 - (2015-08-18)
- Change: Auto-include zcml within plone context in order to make this package
work without having to add it within buildout zcml directive.
4.8 - (2015-03-17)
- Change: Switched to curl in the jenkins build install script
[olimpiurob refs #22402]
- Change: Changed fetch url for jenkins build install script to the install
script from the main EEA CPB repository
[olimpiurob refs #22402]
4.7 - (2015-01-21)
- Bug fix: Fixed url within in order to work with newer setuptools versions
[voineali refs #21705]
4.6 - (2014-01-21)
- Feature: adding Sphinx-generated documentation in Page Template format
[batradav refs #9502]
- Bug fix: removed wrongly added blockquotes within README.rst
[ichim-david refs #18064]
- Bug fix: Updated old URLs pointing Trac
[ghicaale refs #18003]
4.5 - (2013-03-15)
- Bug fix: 'Below' is now spelled properly.
[prospchr refs #13770]
4.4 - (2012-11-22)
- Bug fix: Cleanup dependency
4.3 - (2012-07-13)
- Bug Fix: Fixed i18n missing tags in eea.faceted.inheritance
[prospchr refs #5162]
4.2 - (2012-06-12)
- Bug fix: fixed markup of HISTORY.txt file
[ciobabog refs #5231]
4.0 - (2011-11-18)
- Bug fix: Use 'eea.faceted.configure' permission for all faceted related views
in order to avoid having actions that raise 'Insufficient Privileges'
- Feature: HTML5 validation
[ghicaale #4444]
- Feature: Added a way to disable IPossibleFacetedHeritor for Plone default
Content-Types [voineali #4229] - Thanks to thomasdesvenain
- Cleanup: Fixed all pylint, pyflakes violations
[voineali #4229]
- Feature: Plone 4.0.4 compatible release
[voineali #4229]
0.3 - (2011-04-19)
- Change: clean-up of pylint violations
[ichimdav #4140]
0.2 (2010-06-16)
- #3059 Large Folder can be subtyped as Faceted Heritor in order to inherit
faceted configuration from another faceted navigable content
- #3337 Inherit faceted version from parent
0.1.1 (2010-01-19)
- #2936 Fix relative path problems when using in production