Main features
- No desktop tools needed to make visualizations. all web based.
- Data input: easy copy and paste of data table from any webpage or excel sheet
- Data input from URL (CSV/TSV/JSON)
- Data input: drag-and-drop your data from CSV/TSV files, and we do the rest
- Data input advanced: retrieve data from any SPARQL endpoint on the fly
- Intuitive visualization editor to create interactive charts.
- Large amount of visualizations available: Area, Bar, Bubble, Candlestick, Column, Combo Chart, Gauge, Geo Intensity Maps, Line, Pie, Radar, Scatter, Stepped Area, Table, Tree Map, Motion Charts, Faceted search table, Faceted tiles, Faceted timeline, Faceted map and more...
- Dashboard. Group charts into one or more dashboards.
- Share any chart. Embeddable visualization in any webpage.
- Customizable chart options and colors
- Data table manipulation via drag and drop, preparing table for chart
- Pivot table (Transpose), transform row values into columns
- Modular framework for extending it with more visualizations
- Branding: add your own logo to each chart + QR code
- And much more...
It is simple to use, needs no desktop application, everything is done through the web by uploading an "excel file", CSV, TSV. You can also query the "web of data" via public available sparql endpoints.
You can easily make visualizations like:
See also initial project wiki page for the reasoning behind this project.