EEA Annotator
EEA Annotator is the Plone integration of which
allows your editors to easily collaborate on a Plone document by adding
annotations (inline comments) on it.
- Inline comments on any webpage.
- Portal types aware. Possibility to enable inline comments only for certain
content types.
- Workflow aware. Possibility to enable/disable inline comments only
for certain workflow states (via content rules).
- Events. Possibility to define custom content-rules based on inline
comments events: add/reply/close/re-open/delete (e.g. notify users by e-mail)
- Dexterity aware. It works also with dexterity content-types.
- Contextually disable inline comments.
- Moderate inline comments.
Once you'll install this add-on via Site Setup > Add-ons, it will
overrides Publish Traversal for Archetypes base object
( and Dexterity Base Content
(plone.dexterity.interfaces.IDexterityContent) in order to handle custom
annotator URLs. Still, it preserves old functionality from
and plone.dexterity (also eea.depiction) but if you have custom traversals
registered for these interfaces, try to use custom browser layers when
registering them (see:
Plone version dependency
eea.annotator does not have a hard dependency on Plone 4.3, however, it has
been built around version 1.7.2 which is shipped by default
with Plone 4.3. If you wish to use the product on an older version of Plone,
you could pin the version to 1.7.2.
- Go to Plone Site Setup > EEA Annotator Settings and enable inline comments
for your content-types (default enabled for Page).
- Go to your work-space within Plone Site and add a new object (Page) or user
an existing one.
- In view mode select text you want to comment on and add an inline comment.
- Within edit form > Settings Tab you can contextually disable inline comments.
- You can also add an "Inline comments" portlet in order to overview
all inline comments on this page.
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA).
All Rights Reserved.
The EEA Annotator (the Original Code) is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
More details under docs/License.txt
EEA - European Environment Agency (EU)
- Bug fix: cleanup JS registry.
- Jenkins: Add sonarqube step
[avoinea refs #101552]
- Change: Get base-url from body data base-url
[avoinea refs #97843]
- Change: updated URLs pointing to with https://
[alecghica refs #95849]
- Uninstall profile fixes.
- Bug fix: avoid errors for annotation portlet if tinyMCE doesn't have an active
[ichim-david refs #91577]
- Feature: added annotations_settings browserView now having a method to check
if inline annotations is enabled for the given context
[ichim-david refs #91577]
- Change: Replace eeacms/zptlint with eeacms/plone-test:4 zptlint
[avoinea refs #90415]
- Change: Remove unused css
[petchesi-iulian refs #88382]
- Change: Remove Sphinx generated documentation
[petchesi-iulian refs #88212]
- Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on
upgrade button available for EEA Annotator
- Feature: Possibility to disable 'exactMatch' per content-type
[avoinea refs #88339]
- Bug fix: fixed depiction for Dexterity content type
[zoltan_andras refs #81209]
- Change: fixed PyLint warnings and errors
[eduard-fironda refs #84949]
- Change: updated package information
- Bug fix: Fix profiles version
- Change: Add dual Plone 4 and 5 support for custom portlet
- Change: Add extra GS profiles to support Plone 4 and 5 in the same branch
- Change: Load resource dependencies in own bundle, porting render conditions
from Plone 4 and enabling full compatibility with Plone 5
- Change: Migrate configlet, portlet and content rule from formlib to z3c.form
- Bug fix: Fix pylint warnings
[chiridra refs #71940]
- Change: updated accordion eea-icon override with latest changes from
[ichimdav refs #27215]
- Change: updated accordion eea-icon override with latest changes from
[ichimdav refs #26378]
- Change: Switched to curl in the jenkins build install script
[olimpiurob refs #22402]
- Change: Changed fetch url for jenkins build install script to the install
script from the main EEA CPB repository
[olimpiurob refs #22402]
- Change: prefixed css for hover state of accordion header to the
eea-accordion-title class
[ichim-david refs #19875]
- Feature: Plone 5 compatible
- Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on
upgrade button available for EEA Annotator
[voineali refs #21042]
- Bug fix: Do not allow edit for comments that are not yet added which leaded in
having comments without id and creation date.
[voineali refs #21042]
- Bug fix: Include i18n translations
- Change viewlet manager from IContentViews to IAboveContentTitle as the former
is available only when the green Plone bar is visible (i.e. when member has
Contributor rights). In cases where we want to provide Authenticated members
with eea.annotator:View or Edit permissions, it will not work with IContentViews.
- Upgrade step: (optional) Within "Plone > Site setup > EEA Annotator Settings"
customize "Minimum number of words" and "Do not allow duplicates"
[voineali refs #19978]
- Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on
upgrade button available for EEA Annotator
[voineali refs #19978]
- Feature: Possibility to restrict minimum number of selected words on which
a user can add an inline comment
[voineali refs #19978]
- Feature: Possibility to disable duplicate selections while adding an inline
comment in order to avoid miss-matching in edit mode
[voineali refs #19978]
- Change: Updated package readme with plone requirements
- Feature: Add subscription buttons to "Inline comment" portlet in order to
let users with "eea.annotator.view" permission to subscribe or unsubscribe
to inline comments notifications
[voineali refs #19096]
- Feature: Possibility to define custom content-rules based on inline comments
events: add/reply/close/re-open/delete
[voineali refs #19096]
- Bug fix: Fixed word matching when multiple tinymce instances are present
[olimpiurob refs #18945]
- Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on
upgrade button available for EEA Annotator
[voineali refs #18557]
- Feature: Added possibility to moderate inline comments via
[voineali refs #18557]
- Change: Link how-to youtube video and release on pypi and
- Upgrade step (optional): Within Site Setup > EEA Annotator Settings set
"Auto-refresh inline comments" to a value higher than 0 if you want inline
comments to automatically synced in background.
[voineali refs #18098]
- Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on
upgrade button available for EEA Annotator
[olimpiurob refs #18288]
- Feature: update inline comments via background AJAX calls
[voineali refs #18098]
- Change: Prettify the dates displayed in annotations
[olimpiurob refs #18288]
- Upgrade step: Restrict eea.annotator to view view and edit view
[olimpiurob refs #17702]
- Upgrade step: Import the eea.jquery annotator profile with the updated
authenticated restriction
[olimpiurob #17233]
- Bug fix: Added missing dummy 'collapsed' effect
[olimpiurob #18098]
- Feature: Make the annotator portlet visible only on view and edit views
[olimpiurob #18139]
- Bug fix: Make the formPanel containing the tinymce visible when searching for
a comment text.
[olimpiurob #18139]
- Bug fix: Fixed matching on comment texts spanning on multiple paragraphs in
edit mode for comments portlet.
[olimpiurob #18139]
- Feature: Match comment text in edit mode; Added slide to right functionality
to inline comments portlet
[olimpiurob #18193]
- Feature: update inline comments via background AJAX calls
[voineali refs #18098]
- Feature: Log inline comments closing and re-opening using auto-replies
[voineali refs #18080]
- Change: Changed permission settings for annotator
[olimpiurob #18000]
- Feature: Added basic annotator permissions
[olimpiurob #18000]
- Bug fix: Handle inline comments colors in edit mode
[batradav refs #17705]
- Bug fix: treat case when datetime comes from backend in js with Zulu
[olimpiurob #17999]
- Bug fix: treat datetime coming from backend as UTC. Firefox and Chrome treat
dates differently if they don't have timezone information.
[olimpiurob #17999]
- Change: updated docsting for inline comment fileds class
[ghicaale refs #16666]
- Upgrade step: (optional) In order to optimize requests per page within
ZMI portal_javascripts / portal_css manually reorder annotator JS/CSS resources:
++resource++jquery.annotator.css, ++resource++eea.annotator.view.css,
++resource++jquery.annotator.js, ++resource++eea.annotator.view.js
- Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" install EEA Annotator
- Initial release
[voineali refs #17185]