A sane, working, editor-friendly way of creating front pages and other composite pages. Working now, for mere mortals.
Table of Contents
collective.cover is a package that allows the creation of elaborate covers for website homepages, especially for news portals, government sites and intranets that require more resources than a simple page or collection can offer. However, despite offering rich resources to build a cover, collective.cover also provides a very easy mechanism for managing its contents, built around a drag-and-drop interface.
collective.cover is based on Blocks and Tiles, like Mosaic, the new layout solution for Plone.
For impatient types, there is a demo installation of collective.cover on Heroku. It needs about 60 seconds to spin up and it will purge all changes after about an hour of non-usage.
Suppose you are running The Planet, a news portal that has a bunch of editors focused on getting news on different topics, like Economy, Health or Sports.
If you are the main publisher of the site, you may want to delegate the construction of the front page of the Economy section to the people working on that content area, but you might not want them messing around the Sports section as well.
Also, suppose you have the final game of the World Cup and the match is going to be defined on penalties: you may want to prepare a couple of cover pages and publish the right one focused on the team that won in the end.
These are the kind of issues we want to solve with this package; we are still far from it, but that is the idea.
These are some of the sites using collective.cover:
Got an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket.
See the complete list of bugs on GitHub.
We are currently working on the documentation of the package; this is what we have right now (contributions are always welcomed):
To enable this package in a buildout-based installation:
Edit your buildout.cfg and add add the following to it:
If you are using Plone 4.2.x you need to add the following also:
If you want to use a newer release of collective.js.bootstrap, you will need to update plone.app.jquery:
After updating the configuration you need to run ''bin/buildout'', which will take care of updating your system.
Go to the 'Site Setup' page in a Plone site and click on the 'Add-ons' link.
Check the box next to collective.cover and click the 'Activate' button.
You may have to empty your browser cache and save your resource registries in order to see the effects of the product installation.
Over the years there have been some packages designed to solve the problem of creating section covers in Plone. We have used and have taken ideas from the following:
There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.
This release removes some packages from the list of dependencies. Be sure to read the whole changelog and apply the related changes to your buildout configuration while upgrading. Also, note that we have reorganized the static resources contained here; as some of them are not registered in Resource Registry tools, you could end with a broken layout if you don't clear your intermediate caches.
Previous entries can be found in the HISTORY.rst file.