Search Results

Name Updated Description
collective.googleanalytics Dec-13-2013 Tools for pulling statistics from Google Analytics.
eea.api.dataconnector Mar-18-2024 eea.api.dataconnector integration for Plone Aug-18-2023 Visualization API
eea.cache Dec-16-2021 Tools and config for memcache related caching
eea.dataservice May-13-2022 EEA Data service
eea.daviz Feb-28-2020 EEA DaViz is a plone product which uses Exhibit and Google Charts API to easily create data visualizations based on data from csv/tsv, JSON, SPARQL endpoints and more. Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.dexterity.indicators Apr-16-2024 Dexterity Indicators
eea.exhibit Sep-10-2018 EEA Exhibit provides Simile Widgets Exhibit JS libraries as Zope 3 resources.
eea.googlecharts Aug-30-2021 Configurator for GoogleCharts
eea.indicators Jun-14-2021 EEA Indicators
eea.restapi Jan-11-2023 plone.restapi for EEA websites
eea.sparql Mar-03-2020 Wrapper for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
esdrt.content Mar-23-2016 Content-types for ESD Review Tool
esdrt.theme Feb-03-2016 Installable theme: esdrt.theme
Products.Archetypes Feb-20-2014 Archetypes is a developers framework for rapidly developing and deploying rich, full featured content types within the context of Zope/CMF and Plone.
Products.EEAContentTypes Jan-11-2023 EEA logic and content types
Products.EEAPloneAdmin Feb-18-2022 EEA Plone Admin