Search Results

Name Updated Description
bise.diazotheme Jan-22-2020 Bise Theme for Diazo
collective.cover Dec-21-2016 A sane, working, editor-friendly way of creating front pages and other composite pages. Working now, for mere mortals.
collective.exportimport Jul-31-2023 An add-on for Plone to Export and import content, members, relations, translations and localroles.
collective.googleanalytics Dec-13-2013 Tools for pulling statistics from Google Analytics.
collective.quickupload Nov-19-2012 Pure javascript files upload tool for Plone, with drag and drop, multi selection, and progress bar.
edw.userhistory Jun-23-2016 User login history
eea.annotator May-26-2020 EEA Annotator
eea.climateadapt Nov-10-2016 EEA ClimateAdapt for Plone
eea.cynadmin May-20-2019 EEA cyn admin
eea.dataservice May-13-2022 EEA Data service Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.epub Sep-07-2018 Publish Plone content in epub form
eea.facetednavigation Sep-13-2022 EEA Faceted Navigation Jan-29-2019 This package contains useful tools for talking with Google Analytics
eea.googlecharts Aug-30-2021 Configurator for GoogleCharts
eea.indicators Jun-14-2021 EEA Indicators
eea.jquery Oct-28-2022 jQuery library and plugins for Plone
eea.mediacentre Mar-03-2020 EEA Media Centre
eea.plone4migration Nov-19-2012 Migration of EEA website to Plone 4
eea.progressbar Mar-11-2022 Progress bar based on current document review_state
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