Search Results

Name Updated Description
collective.exportimport Jul-31-2023 An add-on for Plone to Export and import content, members, relations, translations and localroles.
collective.linkcheck Mar-03-2016 Add-on for Plone that provides link validity checking and reporting.
collective.taxonomy Mar-24-2022 Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!
eea.api.dataconnector Mar-18-2024 eea.api.dataconnector integration for Plone
eea.bounce Nov-19-2012 Detect bouncing messages from an IMAP folder and allow further processing
eea.eggmonkey Nov-15-2017 Automate releasing eggs with jarn.mkrelease
eea.epub Sep-07-2018 Publish Plone content in epub form Jan-29-2019 This package contains useful tools for talking with Google Analytics
eea.rdfmarshaller Mar-10-2021 RDF marshaller for Plone
eea.usersdb Nov-22-2021 EEA Users DB
IMAPClient Nov-19-2012 Easy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library with no dependencies outside the Python standard library. Nov-19-2012 Plone4Artists video abstraction library Feb-24-2014 UNKNOWN
plone.restapi Aug-14-2023 plone.restapi is a RESTful hypermedia API for Plone.
Products.Archetypes Feb-20-2014 Archetypes is a developers framework for rapidly developing and deploying rich, full featured content types within the context of Zope/CMF and Plone.
Products.EEAContentTypes Jan-11-2023 EEA logic and content types
Products.feedfeeder Sep-05-2016 Turn external feed entries into content items
Products.ZSPARQLMethod Aug-05-2020 Zope product for making SPARQL queries, simiar to ZSQLMethod
setuptools Jul-17-2014 Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
sparql-client Nov-19-2021 Python API to query a SPARQL endpoint
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