Search Results

Name Updated Description
eea.api.dataconnector Mar-18-2024 eea.api.dataconnector integration for Plone Aug-18-2023 Visualization API
eea.cache Dec-16-2021 Tools and config for memcache related caching
eea.daviz Feb-28-2020 EEA DaViz is a plone product which uses Exhibit and Google Charts API to easily create data visualizations based on data from csv/tsv, JSON, SPARQL endpoints and more.
eea.devel Jan-29-2019 EEA Devel
eea.facetednavigation Sep-13-2022 EEA Faceted Navigation
eea.geotags Nov-29-2022 EEA Geotags package redefines the location field in Plone. Right now in Plone location field is a free text field. EEA Geotags lets you easy define locations using a map picker and geographical database.
eea.pdf Jul-14-2021 Download as PDF
eea.sitestructurediff Jan-29-2019 jsTree to create multilingual structure diff
eea.sparql Mar-03-2020 Wrapper for Products.ZSPARQLMethod
graypy Apr-04-2023 Python logging handlers that send messages in the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF).
lovely.memcached Dec-07-2012 A memcached client utiltiy for zope 3
pas.plugins.ldap Oct-18-2023 LDAP/AD Plugin for Plone/Zope PluggableAuthService (users+groups)
Products.EEAContentTypes Jan-11-2023 EEA logic and content types
Products.EEAPloneAdmin Feb-18-2022 EEA Plone Admin
Products.MemcachedManager Nov-20-2017 Memcached cache manager for Zope.
pylibmc Feb-26-2016 Quick and small memcached client for Python