Search Results

Name Updated Description
bise.diazotheme Jan-22-2020 Bise Theme for Diazo
collective.googleanalytics Dec-13-2013 Tools for pulling statistics from Google Analytics.
collective.loremipsum Sep-22-2023 Creates dummy content with populated Lorem Ipsum.
collective.sendaspdf Jul-07-2014 An open source product for Plone to download or email a page seen by the user as a PDF file.
collective.sweeteditor Oct-30-2018 TinyMCE style hooks for accordion and tabs
collective.taxonomy Mar-24-2022 Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies in Plone!
eea.alchemy Sep-28-2021 EEA Alchemy allows you to bulk auto-discover geographical coverage, temporal coverage, keywords and more
eea.annotator May-26-2020 EEA Annotator
eea.async.manager Nov-28-2019 zc.async queue manager
eea.cache Dec-16-2021 Tools and config for memcache related caching
eea.climateadapt Nov-10-2016 EEA ClimateAdapt for Plone
eea.cynadmin May-20-2019 EEA cyn admin
eea.dataservice May-13-2022 EEA Data service Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.devel Jan-29-2019 EEA Devel
eea.dexterity.rdfmarshaller Sep-16-2020 Dexterity RDF marshaller for Plone
eea.epub Sep-07-2018 Publish Plone content in epub form
eea.faceted.vocabularies Jun-13-2021 EEA Faceted Vocabularies
eea.facetednavigation Sep-13-2022 EEA Faceted Navigation
eea.geotags Nov-29-2022 EEA Geotags package redefines the location field in Plone. Right now in Plone location field is a free text field. EEA Geotags lets you easy define locations using a map picker and geographical database.
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