Search Results

Name Updated Description
eea.converter Mar-31-2020 SVG, PNG, PDF converters using external tools as ImageMagick
eea.dataservice May-13-2022 EEA Data service Mar-23-2023 Plone4 theme for EEA
eea.dexterity.indicators Apr-16-2024 Dexterity Indicators
eea.eggmonkey Nov-15-2017 Automate releasing eggs with jarn.mkrelease
eea.googlecharts Aug-30-2021 Configurator for GoogleCharts
eea.indicators Jun-14-2021 EEA Indicators
eea.jquery Oct-28-2022 jQuery library and plugins for Plone
eea.pdf Jul-14-2021 Download as PDF
eea.plonebuildout.profile Mar-29-2021 A Plone profile to easily install all core EEA packages
eea.reports Apr-16-2021 EEA Reports
eea.similarity Jan-29-2019 A package that suggests similar titles to one being added
eea.themecentre Jan-16-2023 EEA Theme centre
eea.userseditor Apr-09-2021 EEA Users Editor
eea.workflow Oct-05-2020 EEA Workflow extensions
Products.EEAContentTypes Jan-11-2023 EEA logic and content types
Products.EEAPloneAdmin Feb-18-2022 EEA Plone Admin
zc.buildout Aug-22-2013 System for managing development buildouts