Most Recent Updates

Name Updated Description Jan-29-2019 This package contains useful tools for talking with Google Analytics
eea.devel Jan-29-2019 EEA Devel
eea.downloads Jan-29-2019 EEA Downloads Media Storage Jan-04-2019 better plone widgets
collective.sweeteditor Oct-30-2018 TinyMCE style hooks for accordion and tabs
eea.exhibit Sep-10-2018 EEA Exhibit provides Simile Widgets Exhibit JS libraries as Zope 3 resources.
eea.epub Sep-07-2018 Publish Plone content in epub form
Products.UserAndGroupSelectionWidget Sep-03-2018 Archetypes Widget for User and Group Selection, works with many users.
eea.eggmonkeytesttarget Jul-13-2018 A dummy package to test eea.eggmonkey
collective.opengraph Jul-04-2018 Plone opengraph integration
eea.aoamap Jun-22-2018 UNKNOWN
eea.socialmedia Jun-18-2018 EEA Social Media
ftw.globalstatusmessage Jun-13-2018 Shows a global message on every site.
plone.cachepurging Jun-06-2018 Cache purging support for Zope 2 applications
eea.cynsignupform May-08-2018 EEA cyn signup form
collective.easyform Apr-13-2018 Forms for Plone
ftw.copymovepatches Mar-01-2018 ftw.copymovepatches
bise.datatiles Jan-24-2018 Tiles for collective.cover
bise.ecosystemservices Jan-23-2018 Ecosystem Services Maps
eea.asyncoperations Dec-12-2017 package for bulk folder or object operations
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